Sveaskog has got more than 800 employees throughout Sweden and is owned by the Swedish state. This company owns 14% of the forest land in Sweden, making them the country’s largest forest owner. Sveaskog sells sawlogs, pulpwood and biofuel to customers, primarily in the pulp and paper and sawmill industries. They also works with land transactions and develops the forest as a venue for hunting, fishing and other nature-based experiences. Sveaskog is the Swedish market leader within forest regeneration and seedlings through Svenska Skogsplantor. The forest and its assets are Sveaskog’s core business. Conducting forestry operations and developing new business opportunities and applications for wood raw material, wood products and forest land are a major responsibility. Sustainable development permeates every aspect of Sveaskog’s business. A tree that is planted today will be harvested in 60 to 120 years. The growing forest and production of wood raw material make a substantial contribution to counteract climate change.
A lot of the trails we are using go through Sveaskog forests and we are lucky enough to be able to use some of their cabins as checkpoints, too. So, for the Montane Lapland Arctic Ultra it was a logical move to see if Sveaskog somehow wants to get involved. Thanks to Sveaskog’s strategic goal to develop forests also for activities, they were interested in finding out more and soon after decided to come on board. What’s great about the MLAU is that it helps develop and promote infrastructure that is there for anybody to use, particpants in our race, tourists and of course locals who enjoy the winter trails in the region – on foot, ski or snowmobile. Therefore, Sveaskog is happy to contribute with efforts that will go into trail breaking, maintenance and marking and maintenance of cabins. All absolutely vital things for the MLAU and great for all others who will venture out on this trail. Thank you Sveaskog!