After having joined us already several times in the Yukon, Dr. Mathias Steinach from the Center of Space Medicine Berlin and his team will also travel with us to Överkalix.
The Center of Space Medicine Berlin is a research facility which is dedicated on research of medical and physiological changes of the human in extreme environments such as high altitudes, hot and cold climates, fields of sports and exercise physiology and eventually space medicine with low and zero gravity. The Center of Space Medicine is a combination of working groups and was founded in the year 2000, at the renowned Charité in Berlin, Germany.
Dr. Steinach has already been able to make some very interesting discoveries. Coming to Överkalix will allow him to collect more data and continue his research.
Via email I will send out more information to all athletes who have so far signed up or expressed interest in the race. This information will contain details on what Dr. Steinach is looking for, how data is collected and how the athletes who are part of the study will get access to some very interesting feedback.