Local skier Andreas Vennberg reached the Överkalix finish line of the Bright Equipment Lapland Arctic Ultra 185 km March 4th at 01:00, making him the overall winner in this distance in an excellent time.
The second athlete to reach the Grand Arctic Resort, was Lee Francis (UK), who arrived March 4th at 19:42. Lee was on foot, so in his category, he ranks first. At 22:14, during the same night, we were able to welcome the third overall finisher and 2nd on foot, Evangelos Drosos from Greece. Christian Cullinane (UK) reached the 185km finish on March 5th at 03:06. It made him 4th overall and 3rd on foot. 5th overall and first female is Stephanie Grebner from Germany who arrived in Överkalix March 5th at 17:59.
Congratulations to all!