I can now confirm that our longer distance will be a total of 470 km. The time limit for this distance is 10 days. If trail conditions are great everybody should be able to finish way before the time limit. However, warm days or fresh snow may result in softer trails and greatly reduce average speeds. So, to kick it of, 10 days felt right.
I have also updated the Race Info section, including a table with approx. distances between checkpoints. Please note that there could be changes to this table, i.e. one of the checkpoints may not be used after all and/or a new one may be integrated. Distances in between checkpoints may also still change a bit.
Later in the year I will confirm where there are open and closed shelters that can be used for resting in between checkpoints.
The entry fees now are confirmed, too. For more information please have a look at the page with details on the Application. Anybody interested in signing up, please phone or email me. I should have the forms ready this weekend.
Regarding a marathon distance I hope to have news within the next couple of weeks.