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Race Info

Race course

The Bright Equipment Lapland Arctic Ultra will take place on snowmobile trails in Swedish Lapland. Start and finish for the 185 and 500 km races is in the small town of Överkalix, in the Swedish province of Norbotten.

The 185 km racers will go in a loop from Överkalix to the north and then back again to Överkalix, crossing the Arctic Circle twice. The 500 km racers will go on a second and different loop of 315 km, again, heading north and then coming back to Överkalix. On both race distances the athletes will travel on frozen rivers, lakes, swamps and through forests.

Athletes in the 20 and 50 km race start in Överkalix, too. The 20 km race will finish just next to the ice road in Rödupp. The 50 km continues on to the top of Laxforsberget and afterwards diverts from the regular trail to make it a total distance of 50 km, finishing in Jockfall.

The trail will be marked. However, if there is fresh snow or a lot of wind it will be difficult to find the trail. If you want to enhance your ability to understand your orientation, we recommend you use a GPS. You will find necessary co-ordinates and more information on the race course in the “Trail Description” (see “Service” section).

Start time, date and location

The Bright Equipment Lapland Arctic Ultra 2026 will start on March 1st. The time for the start is 09:30 AM.

We will start at the Grand Arctic Resort in Överkalix next to the Kalix river. A detailed description of the location is given at the race briefing. For athletes staying in Jockfall, we will provide a shuttle bus and transportation for the pulk sleds.

Preliminary pre-race schedule for 2026

February 24th – 27th, 2026
Training Course (mandatory for athletes without extreme cold weather experience)

Athletes who participate in the Training Course will receive their rental gear from the organiser of the course on February 24th.

Athletes who do not participate in the Training Course and arrive Feb. 24th, 25th, 26th or 27th, can receive their rental gear upon arrival.

February 27th, 2026
09:00 – 15:00 Hand-in of any missing paper work, hand-out of Garmin inReach, race bibs and rental gear (Jockfall Restaurant)

February 28th, 2026
09:00 – 11:00 Official trail and inReach briefing (Jockfall Restaurant)
11:30 – 14:00 Gear check (Jockfall Restaurant)
14:00 – 15:00 Laplandprayer with Race Chaplain Pat Cooke-Rogers (Jockfall Restaurant)
15:15 – 16:30 Volunteer briefing for all volunteers (Jockfall Restaurant)
17:30 BELAU pre-race dinner (Jockfall Restaurant)

Drop bags can be handed in at the Jockfall Restaurant from 17:00 until 21:00.

March 1st, 2026
08:00 Sled/bike loading (Jockfall Restaurant)
08:30 Departure shuttle to start line (Jockfall Restaurant)
09:30 Start of the BELAU, Grand Arctic Resort, Överkalix


You may choose your mode of discipline, which can be either mountain bike, xc-skis or foot.


The race is open for men, women and teams of 2 or more athletes. No minors. Athletes in the team category will automatically be ranked as individuals, too.

Extreme conditions

Due to the very difficult conditions caused by

  • the extreme coldness in Swedish Lapland in March,
  • the nature of the trail and
  • the distance which will have to be covered by the athletes

the Montane Lapland Arctic Ultra is among the world’s toughest ultra races.

Situations which under normal circumstances don’t cause any problems can become absolutely life threatening in the dead of winter in the North of Sweden. Please keep this in mind at all times and carefully read the information that is part of the application and waiver. If you sign up please also read our FAQ section and all other pages on this website. Come back regularly to check if there are any news. In addition it is recommended you visit our facebook page as often as possible.

Distances (last updated March 12th, 2021):

Km between CPs
Km accumulated
Polar Circle Cabin #1
Överkalix (185 km finish)
Polar Circle Cabin #2
Rikti Dokkas
Överkalix (500 km finish)
503 km

There will be hot water and a meal for the racers at every checkpoint, with the exception of Polar Cabin #2.

Please note that due to weather conditions the trail may change and distances may differ accordingly.

Drop bags

The 500 km racers will be given the opportunity to access a “travelling” drop bag at Jockfall, Lansjärv and Nattavaara. Athletes in the 20 and 50 km race also can hand in drop bags. For more details please see the Rules.


There will be no purse.

Record Times

Coming soon!