Start Mar. 2nd, 2025

20 km Race - Individuals

Start 20 and 50km race March 2nd, 2025 at 09:34

Race Bib First name Last name Nat. Discipline Rödupp Time/Overall Rank
20 km Race - Individuals In
001 Liubov Boiko Foot 2nd/12:18 2:44/1st
002 Stéphane Brette Foot 2nd/12:57 3:23/3rd
003 Wiebke Sobirey Foot 2nd/13:01 3:27/6th
004 Ida Cedering Ski 2nd/13:02 3:28/7th
005 Moa Pahikka-Aho Ski 2nd/13:08 3:34/8th
006 Hulda Wirsen Ski 2nd/13:08 3:34/8th
007 Elin Larsgren Foot 2nd/13:00 3:26/5th
008 Peter Johansson Ski 2nd/12:58 3:24/4th
009 Rickard Larsson Ski 2nd/13:08 3:34/8th
010 Martin Grebner Foot 2nd/12:19 2:45/2nd

50 km Race - Individuals

Race Bib First name Last name Nat. Discipline Laxforsberget Jockfall Time/Overall Rank
50 km Race - Individuals In Out In
101 Mateusz Milczarek Foot 2nd/15:42 2nd/15:55 2nd/17:35 08:01/7th
102 Frank Hojmark Enevoldsen Foot 2nd/18:24 2nd/19:20 2nd/22:05 12:31/20th
103 Morten Lund Jacobsen Foot 2nd/18:22 2nd/19:05 2nd/22:05 12:31/20th
104 Alan Cormack Foot 2nd/16:26 2nd/16:35 2nd/18:34 9:00/13th
105 Alexander Bertuccioli Foot 2nd/17:45 2nd/18:20 2nd/20:46 11:12/18th
106 Ervin Capo Foot 2nd/19:45 2nd/18:20 2nd/20:46 11:12/18th
107 Rebecca Vaughan Foot 2nd/16:20 2nd/16:35 2nd/18:34 9:00/13th
108 Matt Burgin Foot 2nd/13:52 2nd/16:20 2nd/18:26 8:52/12th
109 Magdalena Allan Foot 2nd/17:28 2nd/18:00 2nd/20:33 10:59/17th
110 Michael Dessagne Foot 2nd/13:55 2nd/16:15 2nd/18:19 8:45/11th
111 David Forsman Fatbike 2nd/13:02 2nd/13:07 2nd/13:55 4:21/1st
112 Jeferson Almeida Foot 2nd/17:10 2nd/18:00 2nd/20:20 10:46/16th
113 Simon Gater Foot 2nd/13:49 2nd/16:15 2nd/18:10 8:36/9th
114 Signe Malmer Ski 2nd/15:00 2nd/15:10 2nd/16:32 6:58/4th
115 Elsa Rabou Foot 2nd/15:36 2nd/15:45 2nd/17:45 8:11/8th
116 Helena Forsman Ski 2nd/15:00 2nd/15:10 2nd/16:32 6:58/4th
118 Lucas Gater Foot 2nd/13:49 2nd/16:15 2nd/18:10 8:36/9th
119 Felix Granberg Ski DNS DNS
220 Joris Simkens Foot 2nd/14:45 2nd/14:49 2nd/16:40 7:06/6th
221 Anne Wennberg Ski 2nd/14:43 2nd/14:54 2nd/16:12 6:38/3rd
222 Jürgen Rokka Ski 2nd/13:56 2nd/14:15 2nd/15:05 5:31/2nd
223 Helga Cedering Ski 2nd/16:55 2nd/17:36 2nd/19:08 9:34/15th
Start 185 and 500km race March 2nd, 2025 at 09:38

185 km Race - Individuals

Race Bib First name Last name Nat. Discipline Laxforsberget Jockfall Polar Circle Cabin 1 Överkalix Time/Overall Rank
185 km Race - Individuals In Out In Out In Out In
201 Juiko Liao Foot 2nd/23:43 3rd/01:51 scratched DNF
202 Holger Kanzog Foot 2nd/22:10 2nd/23:50 3rd/18:10 4th/07:27 4th/15:53 4th/17:55 6th/02:11 88:33/7th
203 Stephanie Grebner Foot 2nd/18:14 2nd/18:50 3rd/15:27 3rd/20:25 4th/08:35 4th/09:23 5th/17:59 80:21/5th
204 Thomas Werner Foot 2nd/19:22 2nd/21:40 scratched DNF
205 Evangelos Drosos Foot 2nd/18:26 2nd/19:25 3rd/08:08 3rd/15:26 3rd/21:50 3rd/23:52 4th/23:14 61:36/3rd
206 Melissa Brandner Ski 2nd/19:10 2nd/20:45 3rd/16:48 3rd/20:30 4th/12:20 4th/14:12 6th/01:45 88:07/6th
207 Andreas Vennberg Ski 2nd/15:25 2nd/16:20 3rd/00:04 3rd/08:22 3rd/13:50 3rd/14:00 4th/01:00 39:22/1st
208 Lee Francis Foot 2nd/17:24 2nd/18:34 3rd/12:16 3rd/14:19 3rd/20:53 3rd/21:40 4th/19:43 58:05/2nd
209 Christian Cullinane Foot 2nd/16:20 2nd/19:00 3rd/14:47 3rd/21:11 4th/08:45 4th/09:20 5th/08:45 71:07/4th
210 Rolf Larsen Foot 2nd/17:50 2nd/18:50 3rd/12:42 3rd/14:23 3rd/21:45 3rd/23:17 scratched DNF
117 Richard Weremiuk Foot 2nd/17:56 2nd/18:45 3rd/16:17 4th/05:56 4th/11:43 4th/13:10 scratched DNF

500 km Race - Individuals

Race Bib First name Last name Nat. Discipline Laxforsberget Jockfall Polar Circle Cabin 1 Överkalix Lansjarv Leipojarvi Nattavaara Polar Circle Cabin 2 Muggträsk Överkalix Time/Overall Rank
500 km Race - Individuals In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In
501 Emma Lambert Foot 2nd/20:10 2nd/22:10 scratched DNF
502 Eva zu Beck Foot 2nd/16:46 2nd/17:10 3rd/10:42 3rd/12:53 3rd/19:05 3rd/20:15 4th/21:30 5th/07:40 6th/04:00 6th/12:30 7th/21:06 8th/07:35 8th/21:04 9th/08:20 n/a 10th/20:55 11th/05:55 11th/16:44 223:06/5th
503 John Knapp Foot 2nd/16:40 2nd/17:10 3rd/03:07 3rd/07:06 3rd/12:26 3rd/13:22 4th/15:00 5th/00:58 5th/15:10 6th/01:10 6th/20:41 7th/04:28 7th/17:04 8th/04:50 n/a 9th/17:02 10th/03:15 10th/13:49 196:11/4th
504 Juancar Gimeno Foot 2nd/16:29 2nd/17:10 3rd/02:23 3rd/07:09 3rd/12:24 3rd/13:02 4th/07:47 4th/09:17 5th/01:17 5th/08:12 6th/04:03 6th/10:20 6th/20:32 7th/06:40 n/a 8th/17:35 8th/23:51 9th/11:08 169:30/1st
505 Alasdair Kane Ski 2nd/19:35 2nd/20:25 3rd/18:08 4th/03:45 4th/11:05 4th/12:10 5th/19:25 6th/04:09 6th/22:05 7th/07:25 8th/15:57 8th/17:50 9th/17:50 10th/01:13 n/a 11th/15:42 11th/20:58 12th/09:43 unranked*
506 Karl Hinett Ski 2nd/19:35 2nd/20:25 3rd/18:08 4th/03:45 4th/11:05 4th/12:10 5th/19:25 6th/04:09 6th/22:05 7th/07:25 8th/15:57 8th/17:50 9th/17:50 10th/01:13 n/a 11th/15:42 11th/20:58 12th/09:43 unranked*
507 Jason Fox Ski 2nd/19:35 2nd/20:25 3rd/18:08 4th/03:45 4th/11:05 4th/12:10 5th/19:25 6th/04:09 6th/22:05 7th/07:25 8th/15:57 8th/17:50 9th/17:50 10th/01:13 n/a 11th/15:42 11th/20:58 12th/09:43 unranked*
508 Brian Wood Ski 2nd/19:35 2nd/20:25 3rd/18:08 4th/03:45 4th/11:05 4th/12:10 5th/19:25 6th/04:09 6th/22:05 7th/07:25 8th/15:57 8th/17:50 9th/17:50 10th/01:13 n/a 11th/15:42 11th/20:58 12th/09:43 unranked*
509 Jan Rohrberg Foot 2nd/16:25 2nd/17:10 3rd/02:23 3rd/07:09 3rd/12:20 3rd/13:12 4th/07:07 4th/09:28 5th/01:17 5th/07:41 6th/06:35 6th/12:38 7th/04:30 7th/12:37 n/a 9th/02:20 9th/08:08 9th/20:25 178:47/2nd
510 Palle Andersen Foot 2nd/18:24 2nd/19:15 3rd/13:55 4th/02:50 4th/09:58 4th/10:43 5th/14:40 6th/03:00 7th/00:58 7th/09:00 scratched
511 Eva de Vos Foot 2nd/16:43 2nd/17:20 3rd/04:28 3rd/09:26 3rd/15:02 3rd/15:41 4th/16:14 4th/17:21 5th/15:00 6th/01:10 6th/21:06 7th/05:45 7th/17:31 8th/02:32 n/a 9th/14:10 9th/15:42 10th/01:56 184:18/3rd
512 Josephine Bush Foot 2nd/17:52 2nd/18:40 3rd/12:33 scratched DNF
513 Alexander Dimitriadis Foot 2nd/17:42 2nd/18:30 3rd/08:28 3rd/13:26 3rd/19:13 3rd/20:15 4th/22:14 scratched DNF
*Alasdair Kane, Karl Hinett, Jason Fox and Brian Wood did finish the 500km distance as per above results table. However, they did not stick to the discipline they had signed up for, which was ski. Therefore, they are considered finishers but as far as the overall result is concerned, they are "unranked".